Mobile Ops Applications (SOL) / Handhelds

The last logistic operational mile tool across all business lines is in the hands of our cash officers. SOL is an android mobile application designed and created by Prosegur, which runs in mobile smart phones, fully integrated with SCO for seamless, two-way communication, real-time operational data execution recording and transmission. Consequently, SOL mobile app supports and is used for ATM, DSB and CIT services.

sol app

SOL works offline, allowing operations performance in areas with poor mobile signal. SOL helps follow operational processes, not allowing staff to close operations at a given cash point if all steps and required data are not fulfilled or collected.

sol app

SOL mobile is capable to associate and integrate service images like ATM counters and proof of delivery/collection in DSB services. SOL mobile application data inputs are the main entry point for customer reports generation and execution control.